Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Xbox comes to save the day!?!?!?
Believe it or not, the Xbox 360 is slowly wearing away my recently borne hatred from microsoft particularly inflamed by the comming of Vista (ohh it still brings bouts of rage into me). I have recently discovered (actually just a few hours ago), that I can in fact stream media from my Windows XP desktop to my Xbox 360 adn watch or listen to it on my tv, in fact converting my xbox 360 into a media center hub! which now makes my original plan to turn my old pc into a media hub quite pointless saving me a considerable amount of space...of course that still begs to differ what I am going to do with the old unit... some idea's involve shifting it to my room, possibly turnign it into a backup device, and/or just simply allowing me to work/photoshop from the comfort of my bed... after all I need somewehre to slot all those extra hard drives...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Its Bitchin time!
In continuation of my title, I feel the time has come for a bitching session where I get to bitch away at the unfairness of life and how everyone is out to get me and bla bla bla bla bla. Lets start out with Friday night! Where I was in some way or another forced from my humble abode to attend a birthday party I wasnt sure I wanted to attend, but blast my conscience (and the fact that the birthday girl would have chopped my head off) in its inability to be an egocentric bastard. However I felt the possibility of enjoyment and alcohol would compensate me beeing glued to my newly discovered xbox live and call of duty World at war...boy was I wrong, I got neither! After a night of spending ridiculous ammounts of time in the cold waiting for people (as is the asian way). After Finally having made it into the club at aroudn 1 ish (after two pub stops, 1 horrendously charged vodka redbull (7 quid!!!), a southern comfort and jack daniels with coke and a 15 quid entry fee) The birthday girl proceded to dissapear with her partner in a monumental fight requiring half the guests attending the party to attend to them, leaving me of course in a rather awkward position as the only people left to enjoy the birthday with was an old friend whom I havent seen in years that I attempted to catchup with through 2 black labels with coke, a certain someone I was involved in and one of the birthday girls friends whom I share no particular close bond with. And to top it off my other friend that night (the bar) decided to be a ridiculous whore the whole night charging me horrendous ammounts of my hard saved gold adn pounds for drinks such as 10 quid for a shot of vodka (10 QUID!!!!! thats 10 shots in a student bar!!!) or 17 for a black label with coke...enough to make me cry. It also didnt help that the club was populated by old folk, some of which as old as my parents, and to top it of I also got hit on by two rather good looking women. Unfortunately I was neither drunk enough, or in right company to take advantage of the situation. Beeing in the company that I was with, had anything ocurred it would have been the equivalent to me having been plastered on the front page of the asian "the sun" and had it distributed to everyone I know...thanks but no thanks.
In retaliation of myself however I did manage to have a small sighting which moderately cheered me up (I was however given very disaproving looks from the two that accompanied me home). As the bus drove past oxford street I had the joy of viewing this man lovingly sprawled over the street, doesnt he look so peacefull? I wasnt too worried as people like that sprawled on such a heavily populated street are bound to be quickly picked up by a passing police car (of which pass by every 15 mins or less)., but still...its funny!
oh yeah, and to finish the night I had the joy of twisting my ankle , so all in all a relatively successful and joyfull night! :D
now i must depart since im late for uni! but the bitching shall continue!
In retaliation of myself however I did manage to have a small sighting which moderately cheered me up (I was however given very disaproving looks from the two that accompanied me home). As the bus drove past oxford street I had the joy of viewing this man lovingly sprawled over the street, doesnt he look so peacefull? I wasnt too worried as people like that sprawled on such a heavily populated street are bound to be quickly picked up by a passing police car (of which pass by every 15 mins or less)., but still...its funny!

oh yeah, and to finish the night I had the joy of twisting my ankle , so all in all a relatively successful and joyfull night! :D
now i must depart since im late for uni! but the bitching shall continue!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Money, Time and l337 skillz!
So after much neglecting my dearly beloved photoshop and photography :(, I have been catching up on my extensive gaming, and that horrifying piece of writing that may possibly bring me to the point of hating comics and spiderman (GasP) or not... Its gaming season now, its cold outside, and Whenever I do propose to myself to go out and shoot I can never wake up or have the energy too....hopefully however that will change as this week I have scheduled a photoshoot. But till then I have level 70 (and then 80) to reach on WoW, Northrend to explore, People to kill on the new COD, Manhattan to save as your friendly (or possibly not so friendly anymore) neighborhood spiderman from the clutches of Venom Simbii...simbyotes.....whatever, Albion to renown myself in in Fable II, Blow shit up in Dawn of War II adn if I have time for it raise some intriguingly odd pinyatas....yep I've got my xbox 360 time cut out for me, and on top of it alL I have recently discovered xbox live.....sigh..... my poor camera calls out to me.....the hours ot tutorials in kelbytraining mmust be completed...and the uni projects...so much to do so little time >.< did someone mention a love/social life too?
Friday, November 07, 2008
So...this again
So after having a discussion with my best mate Adam which lasted approximately 30 seconds about blogging, I decided to give my personal blog one more try. I started it orginally but it died out frankly due to a lack of audience and lack of something to write. Its not that I didnt have much to write, I did, but I wasnt often quite sure who I would be sharing this information with, wether I wanted them to be privy to it, and the people that I did want this information to be privy to (a few namless special ones) and the general public generally ignored it forcing me to abandon this effort in hopes that a slightly more professional blog (i.e my photogrhapy blog) would take off to which to my delight, is slowly but steadily doing :D.
So where to begin with the reinstatement of my blog! well firstly its been renamed from the inner workings of an unstable banana to the name you see now. I think it portrays myself a little bit better dont you?
Well as per Adam's discussion about my day beeing worth blogging and this is why I should have a personal blog I shall begin then with my day which eventually turned out for the better but not withought a horrifiyingly horrible morning.
It started off well enough, waking up half an hour prior to my schduled awakening time, something rare in me, I was showered, checked mail and ready to have breakfast. Got the milk and oatmteal ready, shoved it in the microwave, and just as I take it out to go sit down adn enjoy a morning of oatmeal and tudors or the news, my foot, lightly taps my laundry airer. to which it begins to topple over, much to my dismay on top of my computer so of course I try and save it by stamping my foot on its leg (oh the word play), when much to my surprise I lost my balance! This of course resulted with the boiling hot oatmeal falling all over me and my hand, causing me much stress and pain. Of course it didnt end there, the oatmeal then decided to drip itself on my freshly wahsed and dryed clothes, and much to my discovery this evening, place itself on my walls! oh the joy of cleaning that up tomorrow. Then to top it off by the time i'd applied cream to my hand, changed adn eaten I was rnning just on time (just my luck) so I quickly ran to the tube station, hopped on the tube, only to have it jam up at wembley park. Once at uni I ruhed to the library to print out some documents for my crit, only to discover that I was my card was refusing to print, and so off to the crit I went, with 8 gruelling hours (with a lunchbreak) of analysing scripts just sitting in that room! thank GOD for my texting companion! As for the rest of my day I accompanied adam back home to discover his gun collection, came back to mine and I discovered the Joy's of guitar Hero!
Oh Joy! the plastic guitar, but my interpretation on that tomorrow. Now im off to enjoy tudors either till my battery dies, or I fall asleep...whichever conks out first
I hope my new and few fellow readers enjoy my blurb
So where to begin with the reinstatement of my blog! well firstly its been renamed from the inner workings of an unstable banana to the name you see now. I think it portrays myself a little bit better dont you?
Well as per Adam's discussion about my day beeing worth blogging and this is why I should have a personal blog I shall begin then with my day which eventually turned out for the better but not withought a horrifiyingly horrible morning.
It started off well enough, waking up half an hour prior to my schduled awakening time, something rare in me, I was showered, checked mail and ready to have breakfast. Got the milk and oatmteal ready, shoved it in the microwave, and just as I take it out to go sit down adn enjoy a morning of oatmeal and tudors or the news, my foot, lightly taps my laundry airer. to which it begins to topple over, much to my dismay on top of my computer so of course I try and save it by stamping my foot on its leg (oh the word play), when much to my surprise I lost my balance! This of course resulted with the boiling hot oatmeal falling all over me and my hand, causing me much stress and pain. Of course it didnt end there, the oatmeal then decided to drip itself on my freshly wahsed and dryed clothes, and much to my discovery this evening, place itself on my walls! oh the joy of cleaning that up tomorrow. Then to top it off by the time i'd applied cream to my hand, changed adn eaten I was rnning just on time (just my luck) so I quickly ran to the tube station, hopped on the tube, only to have it jam up at wembley park. Once at uni I ruhed to the library to print out some documents for my crit, only to discover that I was my card was refusing to print, and so off to the crit I went, with 8 gruelling hours (with a lunchbreak) of analysing scripts just sitting in that room! thank GOD for my texting companion! As for the rest of my day I accompanied adam back home to discover his gun collection, came back to mine and I discovered the Joy's of guitar Hero!
Oh Joy! the plastic guitar, but my interpretation on that tomorrow. Now im off to enjoy tudors either till my battery dies, or I fall asleep...whichever conks out first
I hope my new and few fellow readers enjoy my blurb
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