Thursday, May 18, 2006


OMG!!!! i cant contain my excitement!!! its true!!! a new Smash Brothers game is to be released! oohh time to warm up my fingers once more, i am so rusy jiji gotta get ready for the release...its not out till 2007 but i need to practise...well for those of you who dont know...which is the majority i think lol Super smash is like one of the greatest games EVER! if you own an N64 or a nintendo gamecube and you have not played this game you should burn in hell!!! ( no seriously tis blasphemy!!!). Nintendo have of course once again showed their ingeniousness when they released teh smash brothers seeries. "why not" they thought "get everybody's favourate nintendo characters, and put them all together in a free for all battle!?" and so it began! it started of with Super smash brothers for the N64.....Super Smash Brothers MElee for the game cube and lo behold!!! now tis Super Smash bros. Dojo/Brawl!!! included are some screenshots of the game jiji. if i could i would also have the smash bros melee theme song on. thats another thing, the music of these games are classics, performed by FULL orchestras they take your favorurate videogame tunes, which im sure last time you heard them were single instrumental midi's to full fledged orchestraness....beautifull.... well this latest installments soundtrack is beeing composed by none other than the great Nobuo Uematsu the
Link and Mario Battling it out
composer of the Fabled Final Fantasy Seeries (another of the videogame industries titans :D). his music as any final fantasy fan knows is magic to ears! well i hope to those of you who know me will get to experience super smash brothers melee this summer becasue its leaving its dusty shelf and moving to my gamecube hehehehe

Link, my like most fave char.


Pitt, hes a new guy

Kirby and Pikachu!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


How many times must i say it....comments comments comments...are the inspiration to almost any writers inner workings...indeed what is the point of writing in a public blog if the people who do drop by dont let it be known that they have actually indeed passed through here and have a comment or two on the blog of the day ( or so is the plan....that was my resolution when i started this blog, and so it will be forthcomming...if i have no events to state i will put down a random thought and elaborate on it), and so todays comment of doom despair and chaos is....EXAMS!!! Indeed it is around this time of year that we become so unabatedly plagued by those horrible things called exams. they are worse than a plaugue of locusts (okay maybe im exaggerating a little) and are cause to much heartache, stress, hairloss, migraines and other possible hereditary diseases. it is also the cause of....i forgot....ahh yes memory disfunctions. when you think your brain has so filled up with useless information which may or may not be relevant to you in the future unallowing the processing of any more thought in that incredibly large but underrated and used mind we all seem to hold so dearly. Fortunately for me my own occasion with this plague is soon to pass, for tomorrow i have my seccond exam...which is law. a very tedious and ming numbing module indeed. and on friday i have the last of these horrible abashes on society. Science and technology. THE most USELESS course i have ever taken in my life overtaking psychology by a longstone. its useless, horribly designed, and so COMPLETELY RANDOM! no one knows how to prepare for it (oh lovely) and the smart ones poke at it by googling possble RANDOM topics that MAY or MAY NOT even rear their horrilbe tedious faces in that ooogling exam. well i have nothing more to say on this topic however i must insinuate once more to please please PLEAAAAAAASE leave me a comment when you read this blog....pretty please (see youve resorted me to beging) even if its a hello you suck! (okay maybe not that) but perhaps some encouraging comment so i know that people ACTUALLY come and visit this tiny little desolate place of the web which is my inner thoughts aka my blog.

thank you all for comming (those who do) and no thanks for those who forget to leave comments (can i be ever more obvious)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Charles has Joined the darkside!!!

jijijiji arrrr this be here Sith Charlie! hes joined thedarkside as you can see....hmm a sith that wears oakley slippers nonetheless but! a sith! :P Hmmm i love the how the comments just flood on in.... lots and lots of comments....yes....having lots of comments sure does inspire me to write more (HINT HINT) anywais...tetaria chronicles will be up soon once i find the time to sit down recall and write it all out ( yes i dont even have time to sit...sigh i write this little blog as i stand!)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tetaria Chronicles Vol.1

Coming soon to a blog near you.....(asumably this one jiji)

A Beachy Peachy Day

A lot of weeeeird stuff happened today...

As many of you know i have the attention span of a retarded duck...dont ask, and presumably from that im sure you can put together that i get distracted easily. By chance i have decided to wander onto other unsuspecting blogs and i am indeedly appauled to say that blogs on this site have depreciated to a state of spam. almost all the blogs i have gone to are dedicated to advertising something or the other (i wonder how long this blog will last). However on a more cheerfull note, should my memory not fail me i will now attempt to recollect(with the aid of photographs) this fatefull thursday 13th of April of 2006 for all the internet to read....(or those who stumble upon it and are interested).

OKAY well lets see beach beach beach beach....indeed a random afternoon, i was told to meet in front of the burger king to chill at the beach. of course to me this indicated not doing much so of course i dressed normally, shoes, socks, jeans, t shirt, and of course blazer. after an arduous (dont ask me what that means it just sounds nice) my dearly beloved (im dripping with sarcasm :P) brother and i arrived at burger find it desolate and empty.....not really....there just werent any indians around but you get the after a quick phonecall i was promptly informed that they were at teh end of the Bk strip, so i found parkign around playamar and much to my surprise...everyone was at the carihuela. so my brother and i decided to trek our way there...only to find everyone decked out in beach clothing. ah yes the ironies of life. so rohit and i went back to grab my slippers and pick up little rajiv. of course we get a call from aarti shortly telling us to wait for he, cuz she wanted ice cream (women! :P) so we walked, clicked some pics, and after getting to my car and finding rajiv realised....i didnt have my far...and yet so close. so after calling shabir to bring them we decided.....meh lets walk back
so we found him en route and walked back. shortly after rajiv and co. came and we clicked pics pics and lots of pics :D here are some samples:
Of course i had to include one of Sanam hehehe

she made sure she was in almost every pic xD....she looks pregnant! hahahaha

Es q Alguna gente s cree mu xulo jajajaja

Todo el Grupito en la playa jejeje

Thursday, April 13, 2006

My Portfolio! :) enjoy!

WoHooo Its Blogtime!

WoHooo i now have my very own personalized personal personalizable blog persona...person type i have decided i will as mentioned publish the inner (and possibly outer) workings of an unstable banana...aka myself or aka Jedi El pancho, The mexican Jedi. well i honestly really dont have much else to say for a first blog...i should get around to seeing what can be done with the power of HTML....which i have forgotten how to sure theres a blog around here somewhere dealing with that...heck im quite sure now theres a blog for everything, so whoever so passes here i hope you take a moment to drop by the comments button and leave a comment so i know that this blog is not lost amongst the masses of other blogs all over the web. also if you are planning to leave a comment please refrain from excessive profanity, or advertising yourself. thank you and enjoy whatever you will be able to understand in the future of my blog...assuming i continue to update it regularly...i started an msn just kind of died....and withered......also i ran out of mb´s so i dont think that helped.....and hopefully uploading fotos here is easier than xanga....i hope