Friday, November 14, 2008

Money, Time and l337 skillz!

So after much neglecting my dearly beloved photoshop and photography :(, I have been catching up on my extensive gaming, and that horrifying piece of writing that may possibly bring me to the point of hating comics and spiderman (GasP) or not... Its gaming season now, its cold outside, and Whenever I do propose to myself to go out and shoot I can never wake up or have the energy too....hopefully however that will change as this week I have scheduled a photoshoot. But till then I have level 70 (and then 80) to reach on WoW, Northrend to explore, People to kill on the new COD, Manhattan to save as your friendly (or possibly not so friendly anymore) neighborhood spiderman from the clutches of Venom Simbii...simbyotes.....whatever, Albion to renown myself in in Fable II, Blow shit up in Dawn of War II adn if I have time for it raise some intriguingly odd pinyatas....yep I've got my xbox 360 time cut out for me, and on top of it alL I have recently discovered xbox live.....sigh..... my poor camera calls out to me.....the hours ot tutorials in kelbytraining mmust be completed...and the uni much to do so little time >.< did someone mention a love/social life too?

1 comment:

Adam said...

Aww bless..

The url was available because genious is spelt 'Genius'. Sorry Bro =)