Friday, November 07, 2008

So...this again

So after having a discussion with my best mate Adam which lasted approximately 30 seconds about blogging, I decided to give my personal blog one more try. I started it orginally but it died out frankly due to a lack of audience and lack of something to write. Its not that I didnt have much to write, I did, but I wasnt often quite sure who I would be sharing this information with, wether I wanted them to be privy to it, and the people that I did want this information to be privy to (a few namless special ones) and the general public generally ignored it forcing me to abandon this effort in hopes that a slightly more professional blog (i.e my photogrhapy blog) would take off to which to my delight, is slowly but steadily doing :D.

So where to begin with the reinstatement of my blog! well firstly its been renamed from the inner workings of an unstable banana to the name you see now. I think it portrays myself a little bit better dont you?

Well as per Adam's discussion about my day beeing worth blogging and this is why I should have a personal blog I shall begin then with my day which eventually turned out for the better but not withought a horrifiyingly horrible morning.

It started off well enough, waking up half an hour prior to my schduled awakening time, something rare in me, I was showered, checked mail and ready to have breakfast. Got the milk and oatmteal ready, shoved it in the microwave, and just as I take it out to go sit down adn enjoy a morning of oatmeal and tudors or the news, my foot, lightly taps my laundry airer. to which it begins to topple over, much to my dismay on top of my computer so of course I try and save it by stamping my foot on its leg (oh the word play), when much to my surprise I lost my balance! This of course resulted with the boiling hot oatmeal falling all over me and my hand, causing me much stress and pain. Of course it didnt end there, the oatmeal then decided to drip itself on my freshly wahsed and dryed clothes, and much to my discovery this evening, place itself on my walls! oh the joy of cleaning that up tomorrow. Then to top it off by the time i'd applied cream to my hand, changed adn eaten I was rnning just on time (just my luck) so I quickly ran to the tube station, hopped on the tube, only to have it jam up at wembley park. Once at uni I ruhed to the library to print out some documents for my crit, only to discover that I was my card was refusing to print, and so off to the crit I went, with 8 gruelling hours (with a lunchbreak) of analysing scripts just sitting in that room! thank GOD for my texting companion! As for the rest of my day I accompanied adam back home to discover his gun collection, came back to mine and I discovered the Joy's of guitar Hero!

Oh Joy! the plastic guitar, but my interpretation on that tomorrow. Now im off to enjoy tudors either till my battery dies, or I fall asleep...whichever conks out first

I hope my new and few fellow readers enjoy my blurb


Adam said...

Oatmeal, guns and plastic guitars.

Best Abstract Album Name EVER.

Anonymous said...

very useful article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone hear that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.